The Potash Development Association (PDA) has highlighted the importance of effective crop establishment this autumn ...
Grazing conditions are holding up for most parts of the country and although grass growth has not been excellent, there has ...
Neonatal calf diarrhoea or calf scour is consistently the number one cause of death in calves less than one month of age in ...
This time of the year is when suckler farmers usually wean calves from their cows and reducing stress in livestock during ...
The boards of Arrabawn Co-operative Society Limited (Arrabawn) and Tipperary Co-operative Creamery Limited (Tipperary) have ...
Bord Bia has recognised 110 Irish food and drink companies for their sustainability performance in 2024 with Origin Green ...
Sysco and ABP have launched a five-year collaborative sustainable farming project with the aim of pioneering regenerative ...
The herbicide metribuzin, which is widely used on potatoes in the EU, will be banned following a decision by the European ...
Met Éireann has issued an advisory of 'exceptionally high' supermoon spring tides, which may lead to 'impactful' weather ...
There are no two more intertwined but seemingly unrelated topics in the EU currently than electric vehicles (EV) and cows.
All the political parties in Northern Ireland are on the same page regarding the future funding requirements of farming.
Dairygold has today become the latest processor to announce an increase in its milk price for September supplies.