Recent developments in several countries have highlighted the precarious nature of relying on external funding when it comes ...
With a declining education budget and an increasing national teacher shortage, education unions in the Philippines are ...
Education International expressed its full and unwavering solidarity with all teachers and education unionists in South Korea ...
The European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) conference highlighted solidarity, unity, and leadership renewal as ...
Mongolia: Un aumento salarial para el personal docente y los trabajadores y trabajadoras de la educación y un mayor apoyo para el estudiantado gracias a las campañas Mongolia: Un aumento salarial para ...
In an urgent call for international assistance, Education International (EI) and its member organisation in Syria, the Union ...
Disability should not be viewed as an inherent trait of an individual but as a result of societal barriers that prevent full ...
In Eswatini, Education International (EI) and its member organisation, the Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT), ...
The torrential rains and devastating floods that hit parts of Spain in October 2024, affecting more than 100 municipalities ...
The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has yet to pay teachers their October salaries. Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) ...
Voces de la Educación | Lecciones de la DANA en Valencia y un llamado urgente a Educar por el Planeta Acción y alfabetización climáticas 21 diciembre 2022 Otro año más de activismo apasionante en ...
Nous sommes la voix des enseignant·e·s et des travailleur·euse·s de l’éducation à travers le monde. Au travers de nos 375 organisations membres, nous représentons plus de 33 millions d’enseignant·e·s ...