We identify five options for improving the situation that could be adopted at the forthcoming spending review – or sooner.
Technological change is a good thing. It has brought exponential gains to living standards and is the foundation of modern society. Yet unmanaged technological change has always come with risks and ...
Established in autumn 2016 in the wake of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union, the aim of the IPPR Commission on Economic Justice was to examine the challenges facing the UK economy and to ...
Excluded children are the most vulnerable: twice as likely to be in the care of the state, four times more likely to have grown up in poverty, seven times more likely to have a special educational ...
Households are experiencing a real-terms income squeeze while some of Britain’s largest companies transfer profits to their shareholders at record levels. Taxes on shareholder transfers should be ...
England is in the midst of a housing crisis. In 67 per cent of local authorities, insufficient houses were built to meet demand in 2015/16 (DCLG 2016; DCLG 2017). Across England, of the 265,936 houses ...
The UK economy is on its way to recovery. But all is not well. Many jobs have still not returned. And without policy support its entrenched weaknesses, such as insecure work and low pay are here to ...
Over the past decade, the government has rolled out a series of measures with the specific aim of creating a ‘hostile environment’ for people who are currently residing in the UK without immigration ...
Social care’s reliance on private bed provision is growing, and larger providers – particularly those funded by private equity firms – are becoming more dominant. A growing reliance on private ...
The North has the potential to build on its burgeoning economic strengths, generating prosperity that will benefit the whole of the country. Addressing educational disadvantage must be at the heart of ...
This book calls for a new kind of delivery model for people with complex needs who live in deprived neighbourhoods. There is a significant gap in services for people with complex needs. People with ...