For emerging researchers, introductory content that is specific to the Aotearoa context can be hard to find. Research methods for education and the social disciplines in Aotearoa New Zealand draws on ...
The transfer of literacy, language and numeracy skills from learning programmes into the workplace Research publication 2011 Engaging Young People/Young Adults in Literacy, Language and Numeracy Skill ...
This book examines decolonisation and Māori education in Aotearoa New Zealand in ways that seeks to challenge, unsettle and provoke for change. Editors Jessica Hutchings and Jenny Lee-Morgan have ...
•&&Relationships and interactions between teachers and students in the classroom are key to effective teaching of Māori students. •&&Effective teachers take a positive, nondeficit view of Māori ...
The STAR reading tests are standardised assessment tools, designed to supplement the assessments that teachers make about their students' progress and achievement in reading. Each test assesses a ...
Our purpose centres on whakatere tōmua / wayfinding. Whakatere tōmua is our mahi. Our purpose—through research, resources, and services—is to find ways for kaiako, ākonga, and whānau to have the best ...
This adaptable guide invites kaiako to rethink approaches to engaging ākonga, re-envisage the teacher/learner dynamic, revise old habits, and reconfigure learning environments to acknowledge and ...
The Hidden Lives of Learners takes the reader deep into the hitherto undiscovered world of the learner. It explores the three worlds which together shape a student’s learning – the public world of the ...
NZCER conducts a comprehensive programme of high-quality research and evaluation work. Our diverse team has extensive expertise in areas such as Māori education, educational leadership, teaching and ...
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the core disciplines, and contemporary concerns, that inform the study of education in Aotearoa. As a collection, the work provides a critical ...
The Ministry of Education’s recent changes to NCEA to incorporate mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori has become the source of consternation for many kaiako in secondary schools in Aotearoa New Zealand.
One group of students continues to puzzle educators, parents, and themselves. They are both academically gifted and specifically learning-disabled, yet they are rarely noticed for either their ...