Wartime air raid shelters in China are being transformed into 'underground cities'. Since 2018, the city of Chongqing has ...
Underground shelter clients sought the ‘beauty, isolation, security’ of NZ.
New 'Paradise' and other TV shows, movies build interesting worlds where an elite few find shelter after apocalypse.
The government disclosed guidelines for the construction of underground shelters on outlying islands in Okinawa Prefecture in case of a military crisis involving Taiwan. The program follows a ...
People in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv took shelter underground at metro stations as Putin launched another huge missile attack on the country. Read the full story ...
Kharkiv, Ukraine, 10 February – UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, in partnership with LWF, the Lutheran World Federation in Ukraine, and local organization Spilna Sprava Dlia Liudey and in coordination ...