直播吧11月30日讯 近日,公牛球员朗佐-鲍尔参加了《The WAE Show》节目。
被问到最难防守的球员时,奥孔武表示:“阿德巴约,老实说,他是我在联盟中最尊重的人。因为他很强壮,他的对抗很强,他有运动能力。其他的大个子只是体重大,如果你只有体重,我可以处理好。但如果你又强壮、又有运动能力,而且阿德巴约打球很努力,和他对位很疲劳。” ...
直播吧11月24日讯 近日,公牛球员朗佐-鲍尔参加了《The WAE Show》节目。 主持人:当勒布朗、KD、库里退役后,联盟是否处于诡异的情境之中?
直播吧11月30日讯 近日,公牛球员朗佐-鲍尔参加了《The WAE Show》节目。 谈到弟弟拉梅洛-鲍尔时,鲍尔表示:“他现在肯定是联盟前5的后卫,我认为他是前3的后卫,库里、莫兰特,然后就是他了,那很疯狂。” ...
直播吧11月16日讯 近日,公牛球员拉文参加了《The WAE Show》节目。 谈到历史最佳扣将时,拉文表示:“乔丹、科比、勒布朗,前5?科比肯定是前5扣将,科比会试着在每个人头上扣篮,我说文斯(卡特)了吗?很明显有他,还有一个,肖恩-坎普。” ...
He initially approached British manufacturer Williams Advanced Engineering (WAE) as a client, before buying it and creating the new factory. It employs 300 people who build technology for heavy ...
Min Wae Aung is a contemporary Burmese Artist whose realistic work is characterized by its strong relationship to Burmese culture and Buddhist philosophy. Almost exclusively composed of ...
As part of the investigation by the Research Section, the current CEO of Senelec, Papa Toby Gaye, was heard. The latter was interviewed for ...
Ball took to his WAE Show podcast to give his opinion on the current generation of NBA stars, and how the next generation will take their place, specifically the superstar trio of LeBron James ...