What happens when you die is a question almost every human has asked, and the Finnish short film “Bright White The post What ...
These mysterious whitish-gray glows in the northern lights might be cousins of the mauve light streak known as STEVE.
Lasers are known for the monochromatic nature of their light, so much so that you might never have thought there could be such a thing as a white laser. But in the weird world of physics ...
An RGB LED. By mixing the red, green, and blue colors, this LED can emit white light The first white LEDs weren’t explicitly white LEDs. Instead, red, green, and blue LEDs were packed into a ...
White light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have tremendous potential for energy-efficient illumination. However, achieving white light emission with a 'colour temperature' that is not too blue is a ...
The bulbs emitted a harsh blue-white light by default, creating a terrible first impression for the technology. But the industry has figured out how to “tune” LEDs to generate essentially any ...
Experimental results revealed that the developed holographic camera successfully works under the conditions of spatially ...
If the brightness of light in a double slit experiment is increased what happens to the fringe spacing (distance between two consecutive maxima or minima)?
If you like the idea of Philips Hue smart lights but have always been put off by the price, I've got good news. Right now at ...