Among the Straw Hats, only Luffy and Zoro achieved the prestigious status of Worst Generation Supernovas in One Piece. Sanji, the Straw Hat crew's cook, and third strongest member-- wasn't ...
Luffy’s leadership style is initially characterized by impulsiveness and a carefree attitude. He recruits his first crewmates—Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and Sanji—based on instinct rather than a ...
Brook arrives on the Sunny. Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro head for the Sunny when Chopper comes to pick them up on a giant bird. They safely reach the ship, and finally the Straw Hats are together again.
Sanji became a pillar of the Straw Hats crew against all odds, despite not having the same grandiose goals as Luffy and Zoro. Sanji's unique dream of finding exotic fish at the All Blue sets him ...
Zoro is lost in a coral forest. As Sanji is frolicking with the mermaids, a royal gondola comes flying, and Luffy, Sanji, Chopper, and Usopp hide, thinking they are going to be arrested for ...
The Straw Hats Reach Elbaf's Second Level in One Piece Chapter 1131 Zoro and Sanji Can Lead The Straw Hats In Luffy's Absence One Piece chapter 1131 could also focus on the Straw Hats rather than ...
After all, a good first impression is key for any manga, and Luffy was just a part of that ... from the tiny Chopper we know today. Finally, Sanji is standing next to the reindeer, and he looks ...