US Navy launches plan to return Pearl Harbor's pest-infested waters to its former glory: 'An absolute … emergency' ...
The PlayStation Portal 30th Anniversary Limited Edition is back in stock at PS Direct, so act fast if you want to secure it.
Want to game remotely with your PlayStation 5 when you're away from home? Setting it up is easier than you may think.
Upgrade Ethernet cable to reduce interference and latency. Prioritize network traffic for client device to minimize latency ...
此前在去年秋季,继valve的Steam Deck验证了X86掌机的可行性之后,游戏掌机很快也迎来了第二春,索尼方面也趁机重回这一市场、推出PlayStation Portal串流掌机。尽管PlayStation Portal并非一款传统意义上的掌机 ...
Miles Morales, Control and Demon's Souls, I have just one question for Sony: Why wasn't this on the PlayStation Portal when ...
A well-known but unexpected source elaborates on the recently emerged report about Sony having another PlayStation handheld ...
PLAYSTATION hasn’t released a dedicated handheld console in years, not since the 2012 launch of the PlayStation Vita. In 2023 ...
A new firmware update for the PlayStation Portal allows users to play certain games without the need for a PS5, but there's a ...
But the PlayStation Portal won’t stream any PS4 or PS3 games, nor any PS5 game you bought from the PlayStation Store.
PlayStation's handheld will finally support dedicated game streaming—and with another portable playing device supposedly ...
Sony seems to be shifting gears, as a new report claims that another PlayStation handheld system is in the works, hoped to be ...