Preeclampsia, a complication of pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure and high levels of protein in the urine ...
While most cases of preeclampsia arise in pregnancy, it turns out my experience of having a healthy pregnancy with normal blood pressures and being diagnosed after delivery is not uncommon.
Wendy Kuohung, MD, associate professor of obstetrics & gynecology at Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of ...
Study highlights concerns about premature adoption of preeclampsia screening tests, emphasizing the need for clinical utility trials before widespread implementation.
引言在生命孕育的神秘旅程中,2%-8%的孕妇会遭遇一个隐形威胁——子痫前期(preeclampsia)。这种以高血压和多器官损伤为特征的妊娠并发症,每年导致全球5万孕产妇死亡,更是早产儿的首要推手。更令人不安的是,当孕妇出现头痛、视力模糊等典型症状时,胎盘早已陷入缺氧性损伤的恶性循环,医生往往被迫提前终止妊娠。现有产前 ...
Preeclampsia is a serious pregnancy complication that causes high blood pressure Read this article to know how a partners ...
Jennifer Tavares' pregnancy was going smoothly until a headache and swelling signaled she might have a dangerous condition.
A research team from Sinai Health and the University of Toronto has identified a way to determine which mothers are more ...
A new blood test has an 80% accuracy in predicting preterm preeclampsia, according to a study published today, Feb. 12, in ...
Preeclampsia is a complication that arises in 5-8% of pregnancies. It causes high blood pressure (hypertension) and may also ...
Discover how PEARL, a cfDNA-based method, enhances early preeclampsia detection, offering safer, non-invasive prenatal ...
Machine Learning (PIERS-ML) model and the logistic regression-based fullPIERS model, consecutive performance deteriorates over time.