Steam is building support for season passes into its platform and setting up rules to help protect buyers from buying ones ...
Valve has updated its Steam policy on Season Passes, warning developers if they're not "ready to clearly communicate" about ...
Steam documentation now states that when a season pass is made available for a game, it must list all of the downloadable content (DLC) included within that purchase. Developers will also need to ...
Valve is implementing some new ground rules for how developers can offer Season Pass and DLC content on Steam, including ...
As outlined in the newly minted document, devs that offer a season pass are essentially promising future content. During the ...
Steam is implementing new rules around season passes that should make DLC more consumer friendly but may also be a thorn in the side to a lot of indie devs looking to use the season pass model. Pavel ...
It's going to be a lot easier for players to get refunds after Steam lays down new rules for season passes and DLC.
Valve have another Steam store update incoming, with seemingly proper built-in support for a Season Pass along with new ...
随着游戏制作的日趋复杂,DLC的品质和及时推出成为了玩家对游戏厂商的基本期望。很多游戏因延迟交付或未能如期推出DLC而遭到玩家的批评。这次Steam新规的实施,要求厂商在发布季票时,必须提供每项DLC的预期发布时间,包括年份、季度,甚至具体日期。此外 ...
Steam will now require more transparency around season pass and DLC content, including details about what’s included and ...
Steam's new policies require season passes to specify content and release dates, with refunds for cancelled DLC.
Valve is taking a stance against season passes on Steam, implementing new guidelines for developers that’ll force them to be ...