音乐家兼词曲作家海基· 萨洛(Heikki Salo)与赫尔辛基大学的泰波·萨卡莫(Teppo Särkämö)合作开展了一个不同寻常的项目,旨在帮助中风患者康复。 其中一首歌是布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀式的英雄主义力量民谣,描述了一条高速公路。另一首歌讲述了某人的杂货洒 ...
Civilised behaviour – we’d probably all like to see more of it these days. A great Finnish word, sivistys, covers the idea – ...
Musician and songwriter Heikki Salo collaborates with Teppo Särkämö of the University of Helsinki on an unusual project to ...
Heikki Salo, músico y compositor, y Teppo Särkämö, de la Universidad de Helsinki, han unido sus fuerzas en un insólito ...
O músico e compositor Heikki Salo se une a Teppo Särkämö, da Universidade de Helsinque, em um projeto inusitado para ajudar ...
Civilised behaviour – we’d probably all like to see more of it these days. A great Finnish word, sivistys, covers the idea – but how do you say that? With a smile! Watch our video.
Musiker und Songwriter, Heikki Salo, arbeitet mit Teppo Särkämö von der Universität Helsinki an einem ungewöhnlichen Projekt, ...
在传统桑拿治疗师提供的护理中,芬兰的桦树、云杉、杜松和其他树木都具有一系列保健功效。治疗师利用自己积累的知识、芬兰民间传说和桑拿的蒸汽进行治疗。 简易语言面向因某种原因而难以理解标准语言的人群。它在芬兰有着悠久的历史,其范围还在不断 ...
When American director Charlie McDowell set out to adapt Tove Jansson’s Summer Book in Finland’s archipelago, both he and the legendary actress Glenn Close found themselves profoundly affected by the ...
What sports do they watch in Finland? What classes do they attend? How much do they travel? How much volunteer work do they do? These stats give you the answers.
来自芬兰的新一代年轻指挥家让世界各地的观众和乐团赞叹不已。他们每个人都有自己独特的风格以及对现代音乐的热爱。 流行乐、说唱乐、电子乐和悠依克:芬兰极北地区的音乐节彰显萨米音乐、文化和语言 在极北小镇伊纳里(Inari)举办的一年一度的“无夜 ...
Here are some handy links related to doing business in Finland and with Finnish companies.