Thank you for your interest in Softball Canada’s LTPD Resources. In order to have access to Softball Canada's full LTPD Guide, Athlete Development Matrix V2 and other LTPD content, you are asked to ...
À partir de ce modèle générique du DLTA, Softball Canada a créé le modèle de développement à long terme de la joueuse/du joueur, une version propre au softball. Ce modèle utilise une combinaison de la ...
Each year, Softball Canada presents 10 Canadian Championships in various locations across the country. These Championships represent the pinnacle of many athletes' careers, as they compete for the ...
Click on the image to download the full guide, or navigate the menu for individual files.
The Blue Convention is a major event for umpires organized by Softball Canada every three years. Officials of ALL levels from across the country (and internationally) meet to discuss a variety of ...
Softball Canada uses a blended learning approach with our NCCP coach training and education program. This means a coach’s first step in their training pathway for a given coaching context in the NCCP ...
Softball Canada is committed to practicing Safe Sport and ensuring all participants are provided with safe, welcoming, and accessible sport environments, free from all forms of maltreatment. Softball ...
NCCP COACHES ARE DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: In Training – when they have completed some of the required training for a context Trained – when they have completed all ...
When it comes to supporting and uplifting women no one does it better than other women. Female leaders have a responsibility to use their power and voices to help lift up others. With the support of ...
Below is a list of the Toolkit resources to support you in completing the Foundations of Coaching Softball eLearning module. You should bookmark this page to quickly return to access all these ...
it is based on the physical, mental, emotional, and cognitive development of children and adolescents. Each stage reflects a different point in athlete development. it ensures physical literacy upon ...
In order to be recognized for national and international assignments, umpires must follow Softball Canada's umpire certification program. Certification for umpires for Level I-II-III is the ...