NVIDIA is reportedly in confidential discussions with major memory semiconductor companies, including Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix, to commercialize a new memory standard known as "SOCAMM," which ...
Hyundai Motor and Kia are set to ramp up their electric vehicle production in the United States, with their dedicated plant, Metaplant America (HMGMA), preparing for full-scale mass production of the ...
Lotte Chilsung Beverage is making a push into the Middle Eastern market with its flagship beverage brands, Milkis and Chilsung Cider. The company announced on Feb. 25 that it showcased its ...
Hans Cho (right), executive vice president and head of the Strategic Marketing Team at Samsung SDI, and Hyun Dong-jin, vice president and head of the Robotics LAB at Hyundai Motor and Kia, take a ...
The steel industry is not at its limit now, it is at a starting point, said Kwon Oh-joon, former chairman of POSCO Group, at a recent talk concert in Seoul, poi... Energy Government to Address ...
ChangXin Memory Technologies (CXMT), the leading company in China’s ambitious “Memory Chip Drive,” was established in May 2016 with strong support from the Chinese government. Just a few months later, ...
한국공항공사는 25일 국회의원회관에서 ‘공항 BIM 데이터 통합, 안전하고 효율적인 공항운영의 미래’를 주제로 국회 국토교통위원회 안태준, 맹성규, 권영진, 정준호, 이수진 의원이 주최하고 국토교통부가 후원하는 정책토론회를 개최했다. 이번 토론회는 ...
The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy has announced the finalization of the 11th Basic Plan for Electricity Supply and Demand. This comes 19 months after initiating the process in July 2023.
SK바이오팜이 벨기에 판테라(PanTera)社와 악티늄-225(Ac-225) 공급 계약을 체결했다고 25일 밝혔다. 악티늄-225는 알파 입자를 방출하는 방사성 동위원소로 방사성의약품(RPT, Radiopharmaceutical Therapy) 개발의 핵심 원료 물질이다. 이번 계약을 통해 SK바이오팜은 방사성 ...
China's TV shipments have surpassed those of South Korea for the first time. Chinese companies are rapidly expanding in the large-screen TV market, where “bigger is better” has become a dominant trend ...
Young Poong has filed a shareholder derivative lawsuit against Korea Zinc's chairman Choi Yoon-beom and other top executives, seeking damages of 400.5 billion won. The lawsuit, filed on Feb. 25 at the ...
셀트리온은 25일 경영실적 공시를 통해 2024년 연결 기준 매출액 3조 5,573억원, 영업이익 4,920억원을 기록했다고 밝혔다. 4분기 매출액의 경우 바이오 제품의 고른 성장과 의약품 위탁생산(CMO) 매출 발생으로 전년 동기 대비 178% 증가한 1조 636억원을 기록, 단일 분기 ...