Worldwide conservation efforts depend on the next generation of conservation leaders. As a Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) conservation intern, you’ll build a diverse skill set and gain practical ...
You can double the value of your donation with a matching gift from your employer. Join a special group of people dedicated to protecting Canada's precious places with an annual contribution of $1,000 ...
The golden eagle is one of the biggest and fastest birds of prey in North America, weighing 2.5 to seven kilograms and diving at speeds of over 240 kilometres per hour. The golden eagle is dark brown ...
What does the snowy owl look like? One of Canada’s most recognizable owls due to its snowy-white plumage, the aptly named snowy owl is an enduring symbol of Canada’s North. Surprisingly, unlike most ...
A series of agreements between the Tallcree Tribal Government, NCC, the governments of Alberta and Canada and Syncrude Canada contributed to the creation of the new Birch River Wildland Provincial ...
Most places under NCC's care welcome visitors. Please check site-specific pages on this website for access information and any special restrictions. Discover NCC properties from coast to coast with ...
Norfolk County is a biodiversity hot spot and part of the Carolinian Life Zone. This unique ecosystem extends north from the Carolinas to southwestern Ontario. In Ontario, the Carolinian Life Zone ...
The Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Conservation Volunteers program engages people of all ages in the protection of our country's species and natural habitats. It provides a meaningful, hands-on ...
The Old Man on His Back Prairie and Heritage Conservation Area (OMB) continues to be one of the Nature Conservancy of Canada's (NCC's) flagship projects in Saskatchewan. It is a beacon of hope for ...
There's a special satisfaction to be found in working for a cause you believe in, especially when that cause involves something as important as the protection of Canada's natural heritage and ...
What native Ontario species has rough, plated skin and has survived for more than 200 million years? At first guess, you might be thinking of a type of dinosaur, but you’d be wrong. Lake sturgeon, ...
The dynamics of conservation in Canada are changing. Today, Indigenous Peoples are increasingly being heard and recognized as conservation decision-makers and stewards of the land. The Nature ...