電視在新分頁開啟 電台在新分頁開啟 This episode features some highlights of the award presentation ceremony for the Civil Service Volunteer Commendation Scheme, and introduces several winning civil service volunteer ...
電視在新分頁開啟 電台在新分頁開啟 Hong Kong is a compact and globally-connected city that's primed to host mega events. With international exhibitions, world-class sporting events, orchestras, film and art festivals, ...
Join journalist, teacher, broadcaster, and... talker Luisa Tam every Saturday morning for Yum Cha. It's the perfect soundtrack to your weekend family and friends get togethers, while enjoying Chef Lui ...
Start your weekends off weird, with The Classical and The Curious, Radio 4’s latest show from Christopher Coleman, composer, music doctor, and self-certified genius! With segments such as the Random K ...
秦嶺以南的漢中盆地水量充沛,是藏在大山深處的「嶺上江南」。這裏也是陝西水稻的主產區,尤其以洋縣黑米最為獨特。為陝菜增添了一份獨特的風味。傳統陝菜「長安糟肉」煥發出新的生機。 燒烤作為「火烹法」之一,歷史悠久。老安是西安市長安區花園村 ...
LIV Golf will be held again at the Hong Kong Golf Club’s Fanling Course from March 7 to 9. With a prize money of up to US$25 ...
Medellín, infamous as Pablo Escobar's home, is now a thriving city in a beautiful mountain valley. We visit a local hip-hop ...
精神健康問題遍佈香港各階層。香港人口老化和港人離港現象嚴重,「留守⻑者」數目因子女移⺠或外地工作而持續增加。他們面對自理能力下降、孤獨感、健康問題及社區支援不足等困境。為提升對「留守⻑者」精神 ...
1300-1330 [醫管局精靈直播] 主題:助病人正眼看世界 嘉賓:曾志珊 (香港眼科醫院視覺矯正部門經理) 1330-1400 [心裡心理有個謎] 主題:社會支持 嘉賓:陳頌恩博士 (心理學家) 1400-1500 主題:腰痛的警示 嘉賓:霍偉明醫生(骨科專科醫生) ...
電視在新分頁開啟 電台在新分頁開啟 守下留情大陣仗,劉偉恒、梁禮勤、阿一、何亨、的神、德國人、拔絲,星期一至五晚上八至十,放下煩囂心情,一起重拾昔日情懷。