Legendary rap group Wu-Tang Clan on Monday announced their "Wu-Tang Forever: The Final Chamber" tour that will launch this summer, including four late June dates in California. The sprawling New ...
在古代通讯技术极度落后的背景下,"灭九族"的圣旨传递速度远超常人想象。 以明朝驿站系统为例,八百里加急的驿卒每昼夜可奔行400公里,腰悬铜铃的传令兵昼夜不息,沿途驿站早已备好快马轮换。这种官方信息传递体系,使得皇帝诛杀令往往先于民间消息 ...
The Orissa High Court (HC) recently observed that the assumption that a woman consents to intimacy only as a prelude to marriage is a vestige of patriarchal thought, not a principle of justice. A ...