The anime adaptation of the short story "5-Oku-Nen Button" (500-Million-Year Button) from Sōta Sugahara's Minna no Tonio-chan manga series is getting a 14th episode on December 28 at 10:00 p.m. JST (8 ...
CAPCOM is making good on its promise to have Fatal Fury 's Mai Shiranui as a playable guest character in Street Fighter 6.
The book, Reading Capital to Smash Capitalism is a good introduction to Marxist economics, especially for those who feel ...
Wilentz’s father, Eli Wilentz – a celebrated literary publisher, editor and bookshop owner in Greenwich Village – died in ...
Getting a good progeny is the dream of every married couple Called as Santana a good male or female baby can light up the ...