BEIJING, Dec. 12 (Xinhua) -- The eastern Chinese city of Yiwu, known as the "world's supermarket" and a key supplier for Chinese cross-border e-commerce platforms, is set to launch a new round of ...
TAXKORGAN, Dec. 3 (China Economic Net) - Starting December 1, the Khunjerab Pass, a key land border crossing between China and Pakistan at Khunjerab, transitioned from a seasonal gateway to a ...
A 17-year-old vocational school student from rural China is being celebrated on social media after reaching the final round ...
适逢圣诞节,香港大街小巷的节日装饰纷纷“卷”了起来,广深港高铁更是方便了大湾区的朋友访港感受圣诞氛围。2024圣诞节将至,毗邻西九龙高铁站的ELEMENTS圆方呈献「DELIGHT-GO-ROUND」圣诞游乐园,将圣诞主题融入童真的梦幻游乐园,让大家 ...
都说春困秋乏夏打盹,进入十二月,天气越来越冷,很多动物都开始“冬眠”,那大熊猫会冬眠吗?It's often said that we feelsluggish in spring, tired in autumn, and take naps in ...
罗马尼亚宪法法院星期五(12月6日)裁定,该国11月24日举行的总统选举第一轮投票结果无效,而这次投票结果让鲜为人知的亲俄罗斯极右翼民粹主义独立候选人卡林·乔治斯库(Calin Georgescu)仅以2,740票的微弱优势险胜现任总理马塞尔·乔拉库 ...
A few days ago—while traveling around Hainan—British content creator Harvey and his Chinese girlfriend Dora visited Lingshui ...
Speaking about China's consumption growth prospect, Yang Nie, an official of the Ministry of Commerce, expressed a highly ...
金色财经报道,去中心化金融平台SmarDex在公共种子轮(Public Seed Round)融资中募资450万美元,该平台还获得了瑞士Web3先驱RA2 ...
In June 2018, XPENG and Desay SV officially signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Guangzhou. Their collaboration on the ...
a fish out of water 形容自己处于完全陌生或不适应的环境中,常用来描述留学生初到异国他乡的情景。 When I first arrived in the UK, I felt like a fish out of water, ...