This study aims to evaluate the regulatory role of the novel adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) agonist O304 in AAA formation and explore its underlying molecular mechanisms.
Looking for the perfect way to celebrate the holiday season? Bring your A-game to the PGC 5th Golf Cup and enjoy a day filled with thrilling competition and exciting prizes on November 30 ...
CM also induces PKC phosphorylation through the AMPK/PKC pathway, which controls NOX activation and eNOS uncoupling, leading to oxidative stress and endothelial damage. CM also reduces nrf2 expression ...
北京时间11月15日,PUBG赛事官方发布公告,2024年底的PGC(PUBG Global Championship ... DAY3,PGS积分1-4名的队伍与晋级的12支队伍进行比赛。