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The gait symmetry such as left relative symmetry index (IDpsL) and IDpsR is significantly lower in the dual-task (DT) situation compared with the single task in the two groups (p < 0.05). The results ...
They also can have abnormal sensations such as pins and needles or burning ... The medication that is typically used to help with walking or gait changes in people with MS is dalfampridine (Ampyra), ...
Real-time gait biofeedback is a promising rehabilitation strategy for improving biomechanical deficits in walking patterns of post-stroke individuals. Because wearable sensor technologies are creating ...
Anterior tibialis exercises can help correct "foot drop," a condition that can lead to an abnormal high-stepping gait. The most common causes of foot drop are peroneal nerve injury and lumbar ...
Once these data are available, simple interventions such as gait re-education or orthoses may provide a future strategy for modifying the biomechanical risk factors associated with the onset or ... Objective To investigate monoaminergic network abnormalities in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) according to their fatigue and depressive status through a positron emission tomography ...
The risk of developing MS following DON can be stratified based on MRI findings with a long-term risk of 25% in patients with a normal MRI and 72% with an abnormal MRI. Mimickers of demyelinating ...
Here, we review the chief neuro-ophthalmologic abnormalities associated with MS and discuss the emerging diagnostic and therapeutic advances that are likely to further our understanding of MS and ...
Several disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) can help change the disease course of MS. People with MS can also take other medications for symptoms, complications, and relapses. Multiple sclerosis ...