Your Excellency Dr Fitsum Assefa Adela, President of AMCEN, Minister of Planning and Development, Ethiopia, Your Excellency Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko, Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development ...
(ECNS) --“We are very close with the Chinese. Even though there is a distance between Ethiopia and China, we feel that China is our close neighbor and neighboring country,” said Ethiopian scholar ...
利比里亚《每日观察家报》官网11月20日报道,日前,非洲联盟(African Union , AU)代表团向利政府捐赠20万美元,向受洪灾影响严重的利社区居民提供人道主义援助,捐赠资金将用于为灾民提供住所、食物、清洁水和医疗服务等。据悉,洪灾造成利数千人流离失所,摧毁了家园和基础设施,是利近年来面临的最重大的人道主义挑战之一。捐赠前非盟代表团还视察了蒙特塞拉多州和大角山州灾民营地。