Dragon Ball Z, an adaptation of the later part of the manga, took the series’ popularity to even greater heights. Films, video games and other spin-offs followed as the franchise grew into a global ...
Dubbed Akira, the project we’ll be featuring today is one of their latest. Readers who are into anime and manga will have immediately recognized that name, as it was taken from one of the most ...
The Witch from Mercury is a must-watch for sci-fi anime fans. It contains all the tropes fans have come to love while remaining accessible to the uninitiated viewer. Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball ...
Across every streaming platform fans can get their hands on, Dragon Ball Daima is easily one of the fall season’s must-watch anime. The last piece of work from the late creator Akira Toriyama ...
Dragon Ball fans on Wednesday celebrated 40 years of the globally beloved Japanese manga, anime and video game franchise. The anniversary comes just months after Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama's ...
Seinen series like Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Berserk, Vagabond, and Kingdom are staples in dark fantasy and historical epics. If shōnen is anime and manga aimed at young boys, and anyone else ...
Gintama’s parody of One Piece. Credits: Sunrise He expressed his surprise, and how he had to spend eons to get the desired results. He said, “Backgrounds”, by far. I was really shocked to realize that ...
The first reveal is a draft of the very first page of Dragon Ball (Photo Credits: Instagram) Forty years ago, a boy with a monkey tail and a knack for adventure made his debut in Weekly Shonen Jump ...