Last month, the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts put up a new exhibition called Authority Figures: Traditional African Sculpture from the Collection of the MMFA.
The IFPDA Fine Art Print FairOnline 2020, the digital initiative launched on May 13th by the IFPDA (International Fine Print Dealers Association, has yielded impressive online traffic and sales in its ...
The article Somerville Art Thief Caught On Video appeared first on Somerville Patch.
A Nazi art thief, UFOs and women at war are among the subjects covered in new factual shows being presented by PBS Distribution at Mip London, which takes place Feb. 23 to 27. Further titles will ...
But that was just the beginning. Plunderer: The Life and Times of a Nazi Art Thief reveals the secret networks of curators and dealers, many of them Nazis like Bruno Lohse (the “Plunderer ...
Historian Jonathan Petropoulos investigates the life of former Nazi art dealer Bruno Lohse. Historian Jonathan Petropoulos investigates the life of former Nazi art dealer Bruno Lohse, who became ...
The 100+ year old New York State College of Ceramics was born through an act of legislation that poised the college as the leader in ceramic art and engineering then and now. The New York State ...