Victoria’s top coroner has called on the state government to consider creating a new criminal offence after an aspiring ...
After lagging far behind European countries and the United States on COVID vaccine development, Japan has set about amending ...
The Enforcement Rules of the Employment Insurance Act states that parents taking parental leave for less than one month would ...
Oklahoma State Auditor & Inspector Cindy Byrd has some ideas for how to prevent future financial mismanagement like what her ...
If passed, regional library system directors in Arkansas would no longer be required to hold a master’s degree from a program ...
Idaho's immigration bill moves to the amending order after a Senate committee hearing, with supporters backing the ...
PERRYSBURG — At its Feb. 18 meeting, Perrysburg City Council held the first of three readings pertaining to the sale of retail and medical marijuana. To allow for public input, council will hold two ...
Is a new constitutional convention a good idea to tackle questions that have emerged since 1787’s first (and, so far, only) ...
What began last year as an unfounded conspiracy theory targeting Haitian immigrants living legally in the U.S. has escalated, ...
The Fulton City Council will introduce two proposed ordinances amending the city's rate book during tonight's council meeting ...
Mayor Cavalier Johnson ceremonially signs a resolution amending the City of Milwaukee’s state legislative package relating to ...
EVERETT — The Everett City Council approved changes to the city’s noise ordinance on Wednesday, amending definitions and simplifying enforcement of its noise control law.