We were looking at what is rumored to be the only remaining paper copy of the Lunar Module’s source code . This is the source code book used by Don Eyles during Apollo missions and for development.
With two months to go before flight, the Apollo 13 prime crew of James Lovell, Thomas Mattingly, Fred Haise, and backups John ...
Apollo 12, commanded by Pete Conrad with Alan Bean as lunar module pilot, touched down in the Ocean of Storms in November of 1969. Conrad, a notorious prankster, retained his light-hearted ...
That's the task that faced Peter Adler and Don Eyles of the MIT Instrumentation Lab who were responsible for developing the software for the Apollo Lunar Module ... its final 12-minute burn ...
The 12 men who walked on the moon had ... The Earth in this image from Apollo XI looks dauntingly far away and the lunar module—which appears to have been stapled together from sheet metal ...
When NASA made history 50 years ago by landing the first two humans on the moon, a peculiar-looking spacecraft called the lunar module made the journey possible - and survivable. The module's ...
The Lunar Module was completed in time for Apollo 9 ... Dick Gordon and Alan Bean collected rocks from the Ocean of Storms on Apollo 12. Alan Shepard who had been the first American in space ...