Scientists and artist Kimsooja developed scalable, color-shifting polymer coatings, showcased in a permanent installation ...
Different types of cancer have unique molecular "fingerprints" which are detectable in early stages of the disease and can be ...
One possible reason why we haven't found any intelligent life in the cosmos the Great Filter argument, which says that very ...
Researchers from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), led by Prof. Liu Qi, in collaboration with Harvard ...
The partnership with Integrated Biosciences makes use of the biotech company’s synthetic biology and artificial ...
Different types of cancer have unique molecular "fingerprints" that can be picked up using handheld scanners in just a few ...
The Turner Prize-winning artist delves into the subatomic make-up of nature with the tech giant, working on the next big ...
David Baker, head of the Institute for Protein Design at the University of Washington. (UW Photo) Life is a little different ...
A new study reveals different types of cancer have unique molecular "fingerprints" which are detectable in early stages of the disease.
Google has reached an important milestone with its newest supercomputer, Willow, capable of performing incredibly complex ...
It may sound jarring, but middle school is the prime time to start to secure college success.
UVa researchers have developed a polymer that defies traditional trade-offs between stiffness and stretchability, enabling ...