Relatively unknown brain cells—"astrocytes"—are believed to play an important role. At the Uppsala Biomedical Center, lab researchers are attempting to learn more about their function in order ...
allowing astrocytes to sense and regulate multiple aspects of brain function. Unlike neurons, astrocytes are not electrically active (i.e., their activation does not lead to the generation of action ...
Future directions might also include modalities to examine astrocyte function in vivo. In vivo imaging of astrocyte–astrocyte communication (e.g. calcium waves) has already been carried out in ...
Our lab is interested in the cellular and molecular mechanisms that define and regulate the diversity of astrocyte function in the intact and injured or diseased CNS. We use mouse genetics to ...
Astrocytes play a crucial role in mediating surgery-induced anxiety in mice through modulating GABAergic signaling in the ...
Zhang studies astrocytes because they are the most common glial cell ... Neurons rely on other brain cells, such as glia, to function and survive. Therefore, when scientists screen for molecules with ...
We will begin by highlighting a subset of the many cellular functions of astrocytes, focusing specifically on those functions that have the most relevance to neurodegeneration (Figure 1).