Therefore, we developed a small, repositionable cooling probe to manipulate corticofugal feedback and studied neural responses in both auditory cortex and thalamus to sounds under conditions ... we ...
To investigate multimodal prediction errors in mouse auditory cortex, we used a virtual environment to experimentally couple running to both self-generated auditory and visual feedback. Using ...
The manuscript presents a short report investigating mismatch responses in the auditory cortex, following previous studies focused on visual cortex ... A subset of neurons show enhanced mismatch ...
Results: The results indicate a central role of the DLPFC in the implementation of cognitive control in terms of a suppression of distracting sensory input in both the auditory cortex and visual ...
Trial Design This within-subjects trial tested two concurrent interventions in 20 patients with chronic aphasia with speech comprehension impairment following left hemisphere stroke ...
We conclude that temporal integration for the representation of time structure at the millisecond level occurs before primary auditory cortex, whereas analysis of longer-term time structure in ...
New research reveals how the brain rapidly adapts to sensory changes using a feedback loop between the olfactory cortex and the olfactory bulb ... Researchers are investigating how the brain combines ...
Methods White matter connections of the SMA were studied with both postmortem ... vessels, the hemispheres were frozen at −15°C for 15 days. The water crystallisation induced by the freezing process ...
Hemisphere Suite 1.99 Repeating is mostly a bug fix release, with one new applet and one retired applet.