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本文件规定了汽车驱动轴总成的术语和定义、符号、技术要求和试验方法。 本文件适用于汽车用驱动轴总成。 2 规范性引用文件 本文件没有规范性引用文件。 3 术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 3.1 驱动轴总成drive shaft assembly 安装于差速器或末端减速齿轮与轮毂之间,用于传递扭矩和转速的万向节、中间轴及件的组合。 3.2 万向节 universal joint 在两轴夹角不 ...
根据欧洲汽车制造商协会(Association des Constructeurs Europeensd’Automobiles,ACEA)的数据,今年1月份,特斯拉在欧盟和英国的电动汽车销量从一年前的18161辆下降到9945辆,同比降幅高达45.2%,而其市场份额从1.8%下降到1%。
U.S. President Donald Trump has threatened to place an additional 10 percent tariff on Chinese imports on top of the 10 percent imposed earlier in February and said a 25 percent levy on Mexican and ...
据报道,今年1月份,特斯拉公司在欧洲的销量暴跌了约50%。这家电动汽车制造商的市场份额大幅下降,进一步落后于竞争对手。根据欧洲汽车制造商协会(Association des Constructeurs ...
Currently, the China-Europe freight trains (Zhengzhou) can handle over 1,600 types of cargo, including food, grain, automobiles and parts, and machinery. It has established a logistics network with 27 ...
Though tariffs may be politically appealing to Washington, the expert warned, they may trigger retaliatory cycles. "Modern economies thrive on interdependence. Disrupting this balance risks inflation, ...