People who enjoy a couple of servings of yoghurt every week may be less likely to suffer from some types of bowel cancer, a study suggests. Yoghurt contains live strains of bacteria which can alter ...
When prostate cancer metastasizes, spreads outside of the prostate itself, it typically affects the structures in its immediate vicinity. Structures near the prostate likely to be involved include ...
The incidence of advanced prostate cancer in California rose markedly in the decade since doctors stopped routinely screening all men for the disease, according to a new study by UC San Francisco.
"This study provides a comprehensive review of the role of natural products as complementary treatments for prostate cancer," says Channing J. Paller, MD. In this video, Channing J. Paller, MD, gives ...
While an enlarged prostrate in older men; and nerve damage from stroke, diabetes, or spinal trauma can contribute to incomplete bladder emptying, creating an environment conducive to bacterial growth ...