If you're from a town with a strong union presence, you know that if new commercial construction happens without union labor, ...
Scientists are training the first generation of rats in Tanzania to detect illegal wildlife trafficked products. Their research shows that African giant pouched rats can locate concealed wildlife ...
APOPO's HeroRATS program uses trained rats to detect TB, offering a cost-effective and accurate solution for early diagnosis.
to to move the rats. How big a rat is may not seem important at first glance, but we must not forget that: The illegal wildlife trade is estimated to be about $23 billion annually. We’re talking ...
Some mistake them for beavers and offer a curious pat, while others flee, convinced they are giant, disease-ridden rats. Recognised by their orange front teeth and rat-like tails, the mammals ...
Using other plant species to fight giant rat's tail will reduce its growth and improve your soil health over the long-run, ...
(CNN) — There’s a saying that in a big city you are never more than six feet away from a rat. It’s an urban myth, but scientists are warning cities across the globe are becoming far rattier, and the ...