Thousand-Year Blood War, be forewarned that we’ll be diving into major spoiler territory. When last we left Shinsui and the ...
Studying Buddhism, I am a Shaolin disciple and there's a Shaolin parable about Bodhidharma who migrated from India to China. The story is that he walked and it’s a long, tedious [journey] and he ...
菩提达摩是即菩提达摩(Bodhidharma),略称达摩或达磨,意译为觉法。南北朝禅僧,南印度人,属刹帝利种姓,通彻大乘佛法,在《续高僧传》《五灯会元》等典籍中记载,达摩原为南天竺(古印度)人香至王第三子,生于南天竺,是印度禅宗第二十七代祖师般若多 ...
The Shotocup team hosted the 3rd Annual Kazumi Karate Open at the Whitney Institute, bringing together the island’s most talented karate practitioners for a day of electrifying competition and ...