Bronchoscope 470 Series is a high-resolution digital video bronchoscopes use miniature chip technology to set new standards in imaging quality for examination of trachea, bronchi and lungs.
The EB-1570K Video Bronchoscope features ergonomically positioned suction valves and angulation levers, optimized for balance and ease of operation. The simple one-component valves, available in ...
Topical anesthesia with lignocaine reduces cough rate and enhances satisfaction among patients undergoing endobronchial ...
The global disposable bronchoscopes market is on a significant growth trajectory, with sales expected to reach USD 819.1 million in 2024 and surge to an impressive USD 2,683.7 million by 2034. This ...
KKCTH doctors successfully remove LED light from girl's airway, highlighting importance of child safety and awareness.
SAN DIEGO — In Chicago public schools that adopted a stock inhaler program, more students who used a stock inhaler for asthma symptoms went back to class vs. leaving with a parent or emergency ...
EBUS-TBNA and EUS-FNA with an ultrasound bronchoscope were used as the first procedures in Groups A and B, respectively, and secondary procedures (EUS-FNA in Group A, EBUS-TBNA in Group B) were added.
An EBUS bronchoscope, equipped with a miniature ultrasound probe, was inserted into Rahul’s airways under sedation. It allowed the pulmonologist to see deeper structures, including the lymph ...
The global lung cancer surgery market is poised for transformative growth from 2025 to 2035, driven by the increasing ...
Tumors in the large airways may be visualized via a light and camera attached to the end of the bronchoscope. An ultrasound device attached to the scope (endobronchial ultrasound) may also be used to ...
Five new species, two new sexual morph reports, and one new geographical record of Apiospora (Amphisphaeriales, Sordariomycetes) isolated from bamboo in Yunnan, China ...