PANews 12月3日消息,据Fox Business记者Eleanor Terrett透露,美国总统当选人特朗普可能最早于明日宣布接替Gary Gensler担任SEC主席的人选。
金色财经报道,FOX Business记者Eleanor Terrett于X发文表示,消息人士透露,特朗普最快将于明天宣布接替Gary Gensler出任SEC新任主席的人选。
(美国商业资讯)-- 智能数据基础设施公司NetApp® (NASDAQ: NTAP)今天宣布推出适用于AWS Outposts的NetApp本地企业存储阵列,这是一种新的集成解决方案,允许AWS Outposts客户直接通过Amazon Web ...
根据最近的SEC文件显示,Barrett Business Services Inc. (NASDAQ:BBSI)的董事Thomas B.
(美国商业资讯)-- 忠北大学(CBNU)今天宣布向设计、制造和销售超导量子计算机的全球领导者IQM Quantum Computers (IQM)购买其第一台量子计算机,旨在推动量子研究和教育计划,同时让学生为投身量子领域的工作做好准备。
2024年11月28日晚,由《商业周刊》主办,酩悦轩尼诗帝亚吉欧 中国担任特别支持的“展望之夜”The Good Business——第八届新商业公民晚宴成功举办。 “善意经济学”一直是《商业周刊》提倡的理念,公民意识也是企业家最该具备的 精神。“The Good ...
Eric Van Reenen is a businessman from the Netherlands. In 2006, he arrived in China to seek business opportunities and settled in Jiangmen in south China's Guangdong. Later on, he operated a consumer ...
When you speak with a researcher, a scientist, a professor, or a university chancellor, how often do you think the word “fun” ...
格隆汇12月4日|据Business ...
BEIJING, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- A total of 121 major foreign-funded research and development (R&D) centers in Beijing invested ...
Under the theme "Connecting the World for a Shared Future," the five-day expo yielded more than 210 trade deals and tentative ...