Zhangdian District Haidai Tower Zhongshu Pavilion, as a bookstore that integrates reading and diverse cultural activities, has attracted the attention of many readers and citizens with its unique ...
11月22日—24日,由文化和旅游部、中国民航局、上海市人民政府共同主办的2024中国国际旅游交易会在上海举行。本届旅交会以“你好!中国”为主题,来自80多个国家和地区的1000余位国际参展商及近600位海外旅行商参会,江苏省文旅厅携13个设区市以“水韵江苏·有你会更美” (Charm of Jiangsu)为主题共同参展,用300多件展品与充满江南韵味的艺术表演展现“水韵江苏”的魅力。
Two of the most successful authors of musicals in the German-speaking world Michael Kunze & Sylvester Levay have created another magnificent masterpiece. The spectacular production REBECCA, based on t ...
海外“中医”热,吹到佛慈来!佛慈制药的悠久历史和丰富的中医药材成功“圈粉”外籍留学生! The global craze for "Traditional Chinese Medicine" has reached Foci! The long history and rich array of traditional Chinese medicine at Foci Pharmaceutical ...