Scientists reported selectively altering genes in viable human embryos for the first time this year. For nearly five years, researchers have been wielding the molecular scissors known as CRISPR ...
Horizon has created a library of ready-made isogenic human cell line pairs edited using CRISPR-Cas9 technology. With 10,000 gene targets available — 3,000 of them off-the-shelf — the knockout ...
All of that eventually led to a critical discovery: those repeating spacers could be programmed to edit genetic material from just about any living thing, whether human, cow or mushroom.
"This survey of functional noncoding RNAs advances our understanding of the human genome and demonstrates the potential of CRISPR screens that specifically target RNA-;even those that don't code ...
The big hope is that CRISPR (pronounced “crisper”) could help researchers correct mutations in the human genome, effectively treating genetic diseases. But some fear CRISPR might lead to the ...