在微观世界的隐秘战场上,细菌与病毒持续上演着跨越30亿年的攻防大战。2012年CRISPR基因编辑技术的横空出世,让人类第一次拥有了 精准 ...
CRISPR/Cas systems are widespread RNA-mediated prokaryotic adaptive immune systems providing protection against invading nucleic acids 1. However, throughout evolution, this host defense system ...
An artificial-intelligence network trained on a vast trove of sequence data is a step towards designing completely new ...
2020年,詹妮弗·杜德纳(Jennifer A. Doudna)教授与埃马纽埃尔·夏彭蒂耶(Emmanuelle Charpentier)共同荣获诺贝尔化学奖,以表彰她们共同开发了基因组编辑方法CRISPR的卓越贡献。 受Frontiers for Young Minds邀请,杜德纳撰文解释了CRISPR的工作原理以及她与合作者是如何发现这一机制的。杜德纳说, ...
CSHL Professor Zachary Lippman and postdoc Amy Lanctot have begun to uncover how DNA sequences known as cis-regulatory ...
A groundbreaking study implicates a specific gene in the evolution of human speech, highlighting its uniqueness to Homo ...
( Nanowerk News) The CRISPR-Cas gene scissors offer a wide range of potential applications, from the treatment of genetic ...
Why did humans start speaking? Scientists suggest genetics played a big role. They say the evolution of this singular ability ...
The Aviram Lab investigates the molecular mechanisms that protect microorganisms from their own pathogenic invaders.
CRISPR protein AcrVIB1, a promising inhibitor whose precise role has not yet been determined. In cooperation with the ...