Coffee is a daily essential for millions around the world, with Europe being the largest consumer market for the drink. But ...
If you are someone who feels tired after drinking coffee, then this is where you can find the answers why! Read on to know.
After a person quits smoking, an important consideration is how quickly the induction of CYP1A2 dissipates. The primary pharmacokinetic interactions with smoking occur with drugs that are CYP1A2 ...
氯氮平是一种非常有效的抗精神病药,还可以显著降低自杀及攻击风险;很多精神分裂症患者需要从其他抗精神病药换用氯氮平。然而,氯氮平复杂的药理学效应所带来的耐受性问题,以及人种、性别、吸烟状态的个体差异,均对氯氮平治疗的启动方式提出了较高的要求。四种药物换 ...
每克茶叶中的咖啡因含量一般在 20 毫克左右,高的能达到 40 毫克。泡茶的时候咖啡因很容易从茶叶溶出到水中。值得注意的是,市售的很多奶茶都是直接用的浓缩茶粉,所以咖啡因含量通常更高。
In general, those with variations affecting the genes – namely CYP1A2 and a gene that regulates it, called AHR – tend to break caffeine down more slowly, allowing it to remain in the blood longer. Yet ...
褪黑素用于发育正常儿童的研究证据相当有限。已发表的随机对照试验的受试者为罹患慢性失眠和/或昼夜节律紊乱的儿童和青少年,这些研究大多表明,褪黑素对入睡潜伏期和睡眠起始时间有积极的影响;一些研究还显示,受试者的总睡眠时长也有所改善。然而,这些研究使用的褪 ...
在伦敦帝国理工学院的实验室里,一组特殊的基因数据正在改写人类对咖啡的认知。 2023年《BMJ medicine》杂志发布的重磅研究揭示:血液中每微升增加1.5纳克咖啡因浓度,可降低2型糖尿病风险12%,其背后机制竟与人体脂肪细胞的"编程重组"密切相关。这项覆盖欧洲、亚洲近万名志愿者的跨国研究,首次通过基因密码破译了咖啡因与代谢健康的量子纠缠。 研究聚焦两个关键基因——CYP1A2与AHR,它们如 ...
He explained that people tend to be either fast or slow metabolisers of caffeine ― which one we get depends on which type of liver enzyme, known as CYP1A2, we have. The enzyme affects how ...
通常,具有影响这些基因变异的个体倾向于更慢地分解咖啡因,特别是CYP1A2基因及其调控基因AHR,使其在血液中停留的时间更长。然而,这些人一般也摄入较少的咖啡因。 研究使用了孟德尔随机化方法,以确定基因变异、疾病(如糖尿病)、体重和生活方式之间的 ...
Industrial and Molecular Pharmaceutics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, United States ...