Learn how extruded feeds can improve your horse's nutrition, digestion, and performance as explained by Sentinel's Kristyn ...
Background Acute appendicitis is a local intestinal inflammation with unclear origin. The aim was to test whether bacteria in appendicitis differ in composition to bacteria found in caecal biopsies ...
Colonoscopy quality indicators (adenoma detection rate (ADR), polyp detection rate, colonoscopy withdrawal time, caecal intubation rate, rectal retroversion rate, polyp retrieval rate, mean sedation ...
Introduction: “Probiotic therapy” to regulate gut microbiota and intervene in intestinal diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has become a research hotspot. Bacteroides acidifaciens, as a ...
Phage bacteria interactions can affect structure, dynamics, and function of microbial communities. In the context of biological wastewater treatment (BWT), the presence of phages can alter the ...