In September 2024, a river otter dragged a child underwater at a marina in Bremerton, Washington. While the child escaped with scratches and bites, this has not been the only attack recorded of the ...
Two orphaned river otter pups have recently taken the plunge back into their natural habitat after a period of rehabilitation. Oregon's conservation community celebrated over the weekend as these ...
Think Wild and Wildlife Center of the North Coast (WCNC) are excited to announce the release of two orphaned North American river otters who were rescued this summer. The young otter pups were found ...
They may be cute and fluffy on the outside, but river otters could be the Okanagan's biggest mischief-maker. Unsurprisingly, river otters make their homes in the rivers, creeks and lakes of the ...
It’s honestly so fun to watch. And humans are not the only ones who are amused by the antics of river otters. Look at the fascination a service Golden Retriever recently showed to the river ...
IN recent weeks, during daylight hours, two otters, a mother and a cub, have occasionally been seen along the River Wharfe. For those people lucky enough, I am struck by how much pleasure and ...