CCTV footage captures the moment a tiger pounces on a woman in a Chinese wildlife park. (YouTube) Source: 据中国媒体的报道,上周六下午,几名游客自驾进北京 ...
Also taking part in the discussion was the renowned Chinese wildlife photographer Xi Zhinong. Guo mentioned that the Chinese nation has a cultural tradition of inclusiveness, and integration of ...
本期Part 2 话题 看到野生动物的地方Describe a place you know where people can see a lot of wildlife (e.g. animals, birds, insects)You ...
Notorious Chinese wildlife crime convict, Lin Yun Hua, did not show up for plea to corruption charges levelled against him before the Lilongwe Principal Resident Magistrate Court because prison ...
Workers at a wildlife sanctuary in China wearing panda costumes smeared with the bear’s faeces and urine have trended on mainland social media, under the hashtag “Aren’t pandas afraid?” ...
A Times investigation found that zoos knew conservation money went toward apartment buildings and roads. But they wanted to ...
Under the agreement, any monkeys born in France will be returned to China when they are five years old, and all of the group ...
Under the Endangered Species Act, the Fish and Wildlife Service allows zoos, circuses and hunting farms to transport or even ...
A report by the New York Times, which combed through $86 million worth of financial reports between U.S. zoos and a pair of ...