Notorious Chinese wildlife crime convict, Lin Yun Hua, did not show up for plea to corruption charges levelled against him before the Lilongwe Principal Resident Magistrate Court because prison ...
See All Key Ideas Chinese authorities are considering changes to wildlife trade regulations that govern the live trade in 18 parrot and reptile species, several of which are gravely threatened by ...
The campaign has sparked significant interest, with related Douyin topics accumulating over 120 million views.
“Pangolins face imminent extinction, yet the Chinese government continues to promote pangolin scales in the traditional ... In 1993 President Clinton used the Pelly process to certify and ban wildlife ...
Under the agreement, any monkeys born in France will be returned to China when they are five years old, and all of the group ...
The male panda Hua Bao was born in July 2013, and the female panda Jin Baobao was born in September 2014. The two pandas ...
A report by the New York Times, which combed through $86 million worth of financial reports between U.S. zoos and a pair of ...