As with other drugs, ciprofloxacin can cause side effects, such as nausea and vomiting. If you are not able to tolerate side effects from ciprofloxacin, talk with your doctor or pharmacist.
Purpose: The effect of omeprazole on the oral bioavailability and urinary exposure of the Depomed formulation of extended-release(ER) ciprofloxacin was studied. Methods: A two-way crossover study ...
Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) is a common but poorly understood condition. Previously known as 'non-bacterial' prostatitis, CP/CPPS is the most common clinical ...
Does sláinte really mean "cheers"? Here's the true sláinte meaning and pronunciation. We’ve got answers to your most pressing questions right here. Keep reading to learn the meaning behind ...
She answered “African Safari” but was ruled incorrect for her pronunciation of Safari, which she said as “Sa-FAIR-ee.” This allowed fellow contestant Brian Nelson from Longview ...
Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc, 17. listopadu 12, 771 46 Olomouc, Czech Republic Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Palacký ...
Drug repositioning is an application-based solution based on mining existing drugs to find new targets, quickly discovering new drug-disease associations, and reducing the risk of drug discovery in ...
Water scarcity, contamination, and lack of sanitation are global issues that require innovations in chemistry, engineering, and materials science. To tackle the challenge of providing high-quality ...
The Maine CDC is excited to announce that we are modernizing our Tuberculosis (TB) reporting system. Currently, inactive TB (also known as Latent TB Infection or LTBI) cases and suspect and confirmed ...
For practical purposes, the definition is limited by degree of identity (commonly >95%) and length (usually >1 kb). It is likely that recurrent CNVs arose by HR between repeated sequences.
How do you pronounce it? Grimes and Musk seem to have different ideas of how to pronounce the name. “It’s just X, like the letter X. Then AI. Like how you said the letter A then I,” Grimes said.
Growing evidence suggests that drug interactions may be responsible for much of the known association between opioid use and unintentional traumatic injury. While prior research has focused on ...