Dyslexic students face high academic anxiety. Can cognitive reappraisal help? Our new study explores whether reframing stress ...
What can chimpanzees teach us about preventing school shootings? How evolution, neuroscience, and social dynamics shape ...
Terracotta (a portmanteau of Tool for Education Research with RAndomized COnTrolled TriAls) is a plug-in to the learning management system that allows the contents of online assignments to be ...
Just like flash cards,” Hodent said. She described the second type of learning — based on cognitive psychology principles — as being “about opening the black box (the mind) and taking into ...
Entrepreneurs are lifelong learners by definition. There’s a simple way to improve comprehension. Not enough people use it.
Integrating cognitive tasks into physical warmups can significantly enhance sport, exercise, and cognitive performance, even ...
Whether it’s jumping at the right moment, choosing the quickest route or aiming with precision, Counter-Strike players know all too well that winning is ...
What does it mean for a computer to think like a doctor? This question has vexed physicians working on clinical reasoning artificial intelligence (AI) for more than 70 years. The first generation of ...
From paid media to Pavlov, how does psychology drive stronger brand loyalty and better customer retention? Follow Correlate’s ...
Undergraduate and postgraduate programmes are available, with the latter emphasising research training. The department is split into five research groups known as department areas, namely science, ...
Discover methods to manage persistent food craving. Neuroscientists reveal how brain chemistry, psychology and nutrition ...