Used clinically since the 1920s, corticosteroids interrupt multiple steps in immune activation because of the ubiquitous expression of corticosteroid receptors. Corticosteroids inhibit antigen ...
In atherosclerosis, the vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) contributes to vessel wall inflammation and lipoprotein retention, as well as to the formation of the fibrous cap that provides stability ...
好书推荐!《动物行为实验指南》电子版pdf,网盘发货《动物行为实验指南》共674页,涵盖了常见的实验动物,如小鼠、大鼠和斑马鱼,详细描述了每一种行为测试的实验设计、测试设备、实验流程、评估指标、预期结果、常见问题及解决方法、数据分析、模型应用与局限性等各个方面。它通过快速引导,帮助研究人员高效地掌握实验的 ...
为探究骨关节炎(OA)发展并预测组织学评分,法国研究人员对胶原酶诱导性骨关节炎(CIOA)小鼠模型展开研究,发现开放场测试和 μCT 可用于监测及预测 OA,对 OA 研究和治疗意义重大。