In a wide-ranging interview, Bell considers Confucian and other ancient Chinese traditions and their role in modern politics.
No means of governance will function universally, but is there a common benefit both Asia and the United States could derive from Confucian teaching? Asia Blog interviewed Jung-kyu Kim via email to ...
The act itself, say South Koreans, has its roots in Confucian tradition, although many of those now protesting with clippers in hand are Christians, the majority religion in this country.
Researchers at Keio University and other institutions say the writing is also most likely the oldest among manuscripts of commentaries on the Confucian Analects that have been handed down at ...
Traditional Korean commencement ceremony Graduates of Sungkyunkwan University prepare to take part in a Confucian ritual at ...
Correct action comes first; feelings follow. This is not a sentimental view of the world; it is, rather, Confucian. Interestingly, my friend and editor, Edwin Frank, has just written to me: “I was ...