However, you can use a Mastercard or Discover card at and via the Costco app. If you prefer to shop in-store at Costco with a credit card, then make sure you have a Visa-backed credit card.
The Costco and Walmart cards both offer competitive rewards when ... distinction — 5% back only applies to, Walmart app, Walmart Grocery Pickup and Delivery, not on in-store Walmart ...
Many retailers, including Costco, have mobile apps you can use to make your shopping experience better. If you're a Costco member and have yet to download the Costco mobile app, now is an ...
If you’re getting ready to brave Costco for Black Friday or Thanksgiving this week, you’ll want to do so with a $45 gift card in hand. With a Gold membership, you’ll also be able to shop at ...
the Costco Anywhere Visa® Card by Citi card is a great option for maximizing your rewards at this popular wholesale club. Just remember that your rewards will only become available to you once a ...