As summer temperatures rise, beef and dairy animals benefit from heat abatement, says Joe Zulovich, a University of Missouri Extension specialist in livestock housing systems. Lactating cows face the ...
Dairy cows begin to experience heat stress when THI exceeds 68 (Figure 1). When cows experience heat stress, behavioral (decreased feed intake, increased standing time) and physiological (increased ...
Viatina-19, a Nelore cow from Brazil, was sold for a record $4 million, making her the world's most expensive cow. Renowned ...
Heat detection protocols work by setting cows up to show visual estrus and then to be bred by an AI technician 12 hours after the onset of standing heat. In order for heat detection protocols to ...
Jess Blackstock and Dr Lauren Foster led a field day in central Gippsland to discuss the implications of heat stress in cows. Photo by Jeanette Severs In hot weather, cows can cycle again, even though ...
Jess Blackstock and Dr Lauren Foster led a field day in central Gippsland to discuss the implications of heat stress in cows. Photo by Jeanette Severs In hot weather, cows can cycle again ...
For Waterford dairy farmer Pat Gough, Moonsyst bolus heat detection technology has brought his breeding efficiency to a new ...
Here is a detailed view at the seven most expensive cows in the world.