The crows here definitely owe something to this woman, who has saved one of their flock from certain death. The woman in this ...
An inky-black raven soaring over a landscape white with snow. Though similar in appearance to the American crow, the common ...
which is home to one-fifth of the world’s collared crows. These birds give off a short, low-pitched caw when they detect danger or birds they do not recognise. It is believed that cawing helps ...
Why? Just caws! Did You Know Crows are Really Curious Birds? That’s why in this level-based, sandbox-y adventure game, you play as an adorable crow with one dream—to join the Cool Crow Clique!
Once Juneau ate her snack, her head swiveled to her handler. Only one caw was heard the entire night and the lone crow disappeared into the shadow of the Hilton Hotel. The only sound between 17th ...
Crow Controller uses an infrared sensor to detect nearing crows and then plays a crow's warning caws for 10 seconds to encourage the birds to fly elsewhere. Although the crow population in the ...