Dallas is an American prime time television soap opera that revolves around the Ewings, a wealthy Texas family in the oil and cattle-ranching industries. The show was famous for its cliffhangers, ...
The ninth season of the television series Dallas aired on CBS during the 1985–86 TV season. As the entire season was annulled as a dream of the character Pamela Barnes Ewing in the season 10 premiere, ...
but mostly shows captured the 1980s in all of its neon glory. Big hair, loud colors, and very special episodes ruled the day, as TV dared to talk about issues that had always been taboo.
For those TV fans who want some new Thanksgiving content, Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage is just one of several shows delivering this year. The final episode of the show’s sixth season ...
And that’s not including all the TV series Netflix ... more than 120 episodes playing the unconventional detective Adrian Monk. The big gimmick of this lightly comic mystery show is that its ...